Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Laser Surgeon I Was Operated On Tonsilectomy By A Famous Surgeon With Laser Treatment, However I Am Still Having Sore Throat?

I was operated on Tonsilectomy by a famous surgeon with Laser treatment, however i am still having sore throat? - laser surgeon

I tonsillectomy, run by a famous surgeon, laser treatment, but I'm still with neck pain, to weight loss, fever can Nuesto Please also advise?

1 comment:

J B said...

Do not tell me how long did you done this, but usually your doctor says to wait for a sore throat 2 weeks before you start to feel better. I hope you take medication for pain, was prescribed by your doctor and report fever with him / her. Losing weight is not important, as they continue to be incorporated in liquids - often very cold, it's better. You should talk to your doctor about these concerns. Calling.

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