Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meucci Pool Cues Quantum Pool Cues By Meucci?

Quantum pool cues by Meucci? - meucci pool cues

I have bought recently and a pool cue seems to be quantum Meucci. Quantum is a series of Meucci, or is this a knock-off. If you would like pool players who know only.


tricksho... said...

Quantum has made a number of signs of Meucci. Really do not know more. You can consult the Blue Book of Pool Cues, albeit for more information.

Jude R said...

Meucci play all the same. "Quantum" refers only to a line Meucci and is more than the reference design. Referring to him as Meucci is usually sufficient. If there is a P2 Predator vs. Predator a C4, you would destinction since the two signals are quite different. The lines of the signal function Meucci simply refers to the signal aspect and / or price.

monterod... said...

Quantum is a series of Meucci

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