Saturday, January 30, 2010

Neck Lumps More Condition_symptoms Why Are There Small Lumps Around My Neck?

Why are there small lumps around my neck? - neck lumps more condition_symptoms

Last year I went to my doctor about a tumor on the right side of my neck to ask. This was not a big package and say it is probably a lymph node and back if you are the greatest. The mass is still there, but only the largest in the last few days I have noticed that most, only small pieces as a larger size such as peas. You are very much on my neck near the bottom left of the neck, I believe that if they are several, there are a few just below the jaw, they seem to be larger but are still larger than the size of large peas. It hurts to the touch, but when touched, moved slightly, as if something is moving under my skin. What is it? I am 16 years old.


barbie said...

I do not know what they are, but you have to go back to the doctor. Go to another doctor.

My friend (she is 26) has passed through the treatment of thyroid cancer. Our other friend noticed a lump in my throat and proved to be a tumor.

I know my friend is a special case, but unless your doctor can give an accurate diagnosis of the nodes must we go to different doctors.

You might cystic acne. If you have a child that could be shaved. It could be several things. Try it online. Mayo Clinic is a good source. Yahoo has a few pages of good health. BUT ... You should also get checked by a doctor again to.

Good luck.

barbie said...

I do not know what they are, but you have to go back to the doctor. Go to another doctor.

My friend (she is 26) has passed through the treatment of thyroid cancer. Our other friend noticed a lump in my throat and proved to be a tumor.

I know my friend is a special case, but unless your doctor can give an accurate diagnosis of the nodes must we go to different doctors.

You might cystic acne. If you have a child that could be shaved. It could be several things. Try it online. Mayo Clinic is a good source. Yahoo has a few pages of good health. BUT ... You should also get checked by a doctor again to.

Good luck.

BigMomma... said...

Your Docter has reason could be your lymph nodes.

I had a problem just described with my saliva glands below the ear on the curve of the neck in a place similar to what you do. I had a knot that came and went, and had then become too small. I look at the documentation and was taken for an x-ray sent wouldnt want anyone (but I'm glad I) came to the same man, the elephant. The fluid is injected to see if the gland is functioning properly, and not the fluid was nowhere to go and sit under my jaw and pain two days! Now I know that these glands do not work and sometimes to massage the area, which blockage and clear, when the pain returned, I must go and see. Fortunately, it was two years ago and not really me too many problems. .

When you massage your neck in this region is more saliva in the mouth, because it may mean that the lock is often clear itself of the rule.

How to keep an eye on them, and if you really care if it hurts or not gor go back and see your family doctor is not good for you to worry if something is obvious. Mainly because you're a child.

the_tent... said...

Doctors yesterday too

the_tent... said...

Doctors yesterday too

RayeKaye said...

I'm worried about you - you have a problem with the lymphatic system, but only a doctor can perform the appropriate tests and know what it is.

I will make you not afraid, but please look at the symptoms of lymphoma in this link and choose your doctor as soon as possible - especially when the profile: ...

Suzie said...

I would definitely go see your family doctor to calm her.

Patricia B said...

Return to your doctor again, lymph nodes, they swell, of course, if you have an infection that could teeth or glands are highly mobile throat.Lymph
While you will see your GP like to see again. It would be a good idea to have a dental examination, have to check everything.
I hope this helps, so I am sure that this problem can be easily corrected, but if your doctor that you feel better to know, because anyway consulted what the problem is halfway to its solution

scott t said...

To take better control of tumor or a blood clot .. Good luck

♥ said...

because he has herpes! jk i dont know herpes and not in the mouth of the neck

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